(Friday) 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm
1 Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228
Event Details

2018 is Fiesta Oyster Bake’s 102nd Anniversary! The event features more than 100,000 oysters served baked, raw and fried plus 70+ food and beverage booths that dish up savory favorites and quench every thirst. Enjoy continuous Rock, Country, Tejano, R&B / Hip Hop, Pop and Children’s musical entertainment, as well as a full carnival and a special Fireworks Spectacular on Friday evening. Join more than 7,000 volunteers and 60,000 patrons at this exciting event.
Oyster Bake’s mission is to produce a quality, volunteer-driven, Fiesta San Antonio approved music festival to raise funds for student scholarships to St. Mary’s University, and to support the University and the Alumni Association.
Admission is $20* one-day; pre-sale (March 1 to 31) – $27* one-day; pre-sale (April 1 to 21) – $35* two-day; pre-sale (March 1 to April 21) – $27 at the gate; children 12 and under are free.
*plus convenience fee
210-436-3324 | oysterbake@stmarytx.edu | www.oysterbake.com

Fiesta Oyster Bakeoysterbake@stmarytx.edu
Questions? Call