An official Fiesta San Antonio event, Cornyation is one of the most popular events of Fiesta week. Cornyation can be traced back to as early as 1951, when it was originally staged by the San Antonio Little Theater (SALT) at the Arneson River Theater as part of A Night in Old San Antonio. The show’s irreverent script pokes at politicians, the prominent and the not-so-prominent, caused its demise as part of NIOSA in 1964. The show was revived in 1979 for one year as part of NIOSA before its current uninterrupted revival in 1982 at the hands of Ray Chavez and Bob Jolly.

Fiesta Cornyation, Inc. is a permanently committed nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to enriching the lives of people in San Antonio with or affected by HIV. Also established is the Robert Rehm Scholarship which grants college scholarships to San Antonio students majoring in Theatre Arts.
Admission is $15-35. Tickets available through the Majestic/Empire Box Office or Ticketmaster.