(Saturday) 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm CST
Alamo Plaza
300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Event Details

King Antonio, one of the longest-standing Fiesta traditions, is a member of the Official Royalty who reign over the merriment of Fiesta. King Antonio is selected each year from the ranks of the Texas Cavaliers, a patriotic and civic organization, and his public investiture takes place in front of the Alamo. Dating to 1927, this inspiring ceremony begins the reign of the new king, honors the memory of matchless heroes who fell at the Alamo and recognizes new Cavaliers. The tradition of naming a king to preside over Fiesta began in 1896. During his reign, King Antonio visits schools, hospitals, nursing homes, business, and community groups throughout the city. Through the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation, the Cavaliers disburse funds to support children’s charities in the community.
Founded in 1926, the Texas Cavaliers consist of over 600 business, civic and community leaders seeking to give back to the community and support those in need. Texas Cavaliers and their generous supporters have raised over $3 million. In 2017, they raised more than $1 million and helped more than 900 children through monetary donations and supporting programs all across San Antonio through the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation.